Thursday, October 11, 2012

Education Is The Key To Saving This Nation

These days we have the entire worlds knowledge at our fingertips. When a person wants to know how to make a meal, they just go online and research it. Want to fix a car? No matter how big or small the job is you can type in some key words and presto, you have the solution to that car problem right before your eyes. This is the way of life for Americans; however, this is not the case when it comes to our elected officials. With them we sit and wait for them to tell us what we want to hear, we do no research and then to top it off we spread the information like its gospel. I am not sure if this is our desire for a better life that forces us to overlook peoples short comings or in many cases just avoid them all together but this is a definite way to the demise of our great nation.

This is the reason I have created this blog. You will notice on the top of the page there are links to other pages, each is verifiable and their source is listed at bottom of the page. I hope that by making the information all available in one place more people will take a minute to actually learn the facts of what is happening to this country and not just listen to the rhetoric from either party.

Today we have a president that had promised the world "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal …" and with regards to cutting the debt in half he said "If I don't have this done in three years, then this is going to be a one-term proposition.” But as with most politicians no one seems to hold them accountable for anything they say. Now I agree the world could use some healing, and the debt of our nation needs to be reduced but how can that happen if we continue spending at the rate we do? This year for the first time in the history of The United States of America we have allowed our national debt to exceed the country’s Gross Domestic Production. So we are no longer just talking about spending more than the government takes in we are spending more than the production of the entire country. This should be of great concern to all of us, as we are the ones footing this bill ultimately.

In this uneducated time the president can lie to us over and over, give a smile and his disciples all follow blindly. He has put us in so much debt that we will struggle for years to get out, though he swore if he didn't cut bush's "unpatriotic" deficit in half in the first term he wouldn't run for a second term. So I wonder if Bush’s adding $4 trillion to the debt was unpatriotic, than what is adding $5 trillion called? Oh wait it is okay if you’re smiling, cracking jokes and deceiving while doing the spending? Where is the outrage???

This president has spent so much of our money that if you spent $87 every second from the time of Christ (1/1/0001) to right now, you would fall short of what he has spent. Now that's not all the presidents’ debt, that's just Obama’s addition to our national debt! So tell me again how this is a good change and where is the hope?
  • Gas prices are currently 113% higher than when he took office January 2009 the national average was 1.78.
  • Job creation-according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Obama has created a net loss in jobs to date of 879,000
  • The average American household makes $2,141 less than when he started according to the U.S. Census Department
  • According to the USDA there are 12,947,169 additional people have been added to food stamps during his short term.

I’m sure they are all filled with hope. Obama sure has been great for the middle class.

Please start reading, go to the government websites (not political propaganda pages) actual fact pages and do your homework before you allow our country to get so far off tilt that we cannot get it back!!!! Oh and all these numbers I give are straight from the government's own websites so it’s all out there we just need to look.

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